Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy Holidays

Nothing like the holidays to bring people together. We had Ava over (after an awful viewing of Happy Feet 2) and decorated our Christmas tree! I love how I get to do all the traditions I did as a child all over again. Such a blast. Now I can't wait until after Christmas to get some sweet deals on more ornaments! LOL!

BTW - Starting December first, I'm going to do a 25 days of Christmas project where I take pictures of things I love about Christmas! Can't wait til December first :). This post is kind of the first one, so I cheated a little bit, but oh well! Happy Holidays everyone.

Monday, November 28, 2011

First Post

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was a blast, but now I am slowly recovering, only to remember how Christmas is right around the corner! Up top there is a picture of my son Leo and his cousin Finn from Thanksgiving. They are just about at the age where they are going to be lots of trouble! Look at those devilish looks! Adorable.

BTW everyone.. Go Packers, and Gooooooo Tebow!!! Heck yeah! So excited that my team is 11-0 and my brother from another mother Timmy Tebow is winning and putting all those critics in their place!