Wednesday, January 4, 2012

365 Days of pictures.

Happy New Year everyone!
I hope everyone had a great holiday. I've decided to do a year in pictures. I may not be able to make a post everyday, but I can still take a picture every day! Everyday I'll take a picture of something I did, or something I feel represents the day. So here goes! Wish me luck :)

Day 1: (Jan. 1st)

One of the faces I got to wake up to this morning. It's gonna be a good day :) Look at that hair do! HAHA love it.
Day 2:
Tim trying to teach/encourage Leo to ride his new bike. I'm not so sure he fits on the bike...
Day 3:
Making my own canvas prints! Using mod podge is actually pretty fun :)
Day 4:
First freeze of the winter! After a 75 degree Christmas, I was soo ready for this day! I hope Leo doesn't freeze too bad on his first day back to school!

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