Thursday, December 8, 2011

Things I love about Christmas: 17 days left!

#8: Christmas-themed portraits

Lindsey and Robbie from today's session. Adorable!

Our Christmas picture from last year. We need to update it!

The mother of this little boy, Phillip, thought it looked like the bears were watching over him :)

Little Sully with his Santa hat on. Too cute.
I think December is just about my favorite month to shoot pictures of my clients. So many ideas, so many festive and adorable photos. I have so much fun doing them! Christmas props are definitely the most fun to use, and every location is Christmas decorated, so you can pretty much take your clients everywhere. I love it! I also need to get Leo and Sadie with Santa one of these days. Tonight I actually did a Christmas themed photoshoot, the couple was cracking me up. This time of year is the best.

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