Friday, December 2, 2011

Things I love about Christmas: 23 Days left :)

#2: Encouraging pyromaniac tendencies

See? Fires can be beautiful!

Leo thinks he wants to burn that wrapping paper roll, but then he gets mad when I throw it in and it burns... haha.
Nothing like the weather being cool enough to have fires! In the fire pit outside, and the fireplace inside! I love watching Tim and Leo gather wood together, so cute :). Everything about having a fire is fun. Gathering the perfect wood to burn, making the perfect teepee out of the wood so that just the right amount of oxygen flows through, lighting it and not having to use lighter fluid (that's for cheaters), then finding the perfect marshmallow roasting stick, waiting for the fire to die down to get to the embers, roasting the marshmallow until it is the exact color of golden brown you want so that it's falling off the stick and not burnt, and the most important part of all: eating a delicious, melt in your mouth, golden brown marshmallow! Sounds glorious doesn't it? If you haven't given into your inner pyro yet this season, you really should. The rewards are endless!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tess, I couldn't have said it better. Even though I am not into the whole fire building thing, you know I am the QUEEN of marshmallow toasting! You have learned well how to make the perfect marshmallow. It's all about patience.
